About Raoul Eshelman
I'm a Slavist teaching at the Ludwigs-Maximilian University in Munich. I've lived in Germany for over 35 years, though I remain an American citizen. I originally attended Rutgers University (New Brunswick) where I studied Political Science and German with a bit of Slavics thrown in. I spent my Junior Year Abroad in Konstanz, which I liked so much that I went back for an M.A. in Slavics. The rest of my academic career (with short stints in Rutgers Newark and Berkeley) has taken place in Germany. I received my M.A. and Ph.D. in Slavic Literature from Konstanz and did my Habilitation (the German equivalent of the "second book") in Hamburg. I've been teaching on a permanent basis in the Slavic Dept. in Munich since 2009. As of the late 1990s I became more and more interested in comparative literature and film studies; I also dabble in art, art photography, and architecture. My scholarship is now evenly divided between Russian, Czech and Comparative Literature, with the focus mainly on performatism, an epochal concept of post-postmodernism.